Monday, February 14, 2011

Was home. Is home. Going home.

In the five (almost) years that Andrew and I have been married, we have called many places 'home'.

From our first itty apartment,

to our first purchased home,
to Easton, MD,
(Back track..  I can't forget the stint we did in Port of Spain, Trinidad. )

Where was I... ok moved to Easton, then back to PA, and now... back to Easton!! Are you tired yet?! I am, because this doesn't count the random weeks spent with family, while in transition(s) and a few other pit stops on the way. Some of these moves have been calculated decisions, some made on a whim, and our last move home, was out of necessity. (More on that necessity on another day, another post) However, now that our life has settled, we are in a position to resume our life in MD. Andrew is returning to his job, which to say he loves is an understatement, and we are happy to pick up where we left off there. We have loved having this year, full of joy as well as difficulties, to be close to family, and close to an amazing hospital for Micah. Thankfully, Micah has been given a clean bill of health, and that is the most we could have ever hoped for! This is giving us the comfort needed to switch his care, as his only future visits involve well checks with the pediatrician.
So with moving on the mind, I've spent some time reflecting on where we started, where we've been and where we are going. I've loved these adventurous first, five years of marriage with Andrew, following our dreams, whims and being young and carefree. I know we will always have this side to us, but it will be fulfilled in less affecting ways, travel, day trips, hobbies... and not with moving!! We are anxious to settle back in an area that we have grown to love, and not.move.any.where.else!!! Are you reading this Andrew?! jk, he is just as anxious as I to not move our Ikea shelf one more time and most importantly to have a permanent home for Micah. So, with that being said, I better go pack some boxes before my mini-valentine wakes!
Enjoy your loves today, as our homes would not be homes without them!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on making the decision that is clearly right for you guys. How soon till you head to MD?
