Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sunday is drawing ever closer, moving day, back to the eastern shore. Back to Legal spirits cream of crab soup, Ava's brick oven pizza, Sunday drives by the bay, dear friends and was there any mention of the food?! I keep reminding myself of all of these things as I prepare myself for what I will miss about PA.
I will particularly miss morning visits from my Mom. Even after running into a wall last night, and a late night trip to the E.R, she was eager to leave her house early, before work, to pay us a visit. It was a good thing too because like a seasoned Mommy, she detected a fever in Micah instantly. The thermometer confirmed her accuracy and I had a slight moment of panic wondering if I would have caught this. I know she will only be a phone call away with tips and advice, but I will miss having only a mile between us, to share these spontaneous moments. I know her faithful corolla is anxiously waiting to log some MD miles, so I am comforted by this. That is all for now. Naptime will be ending and I am anxious to cuddle my little buddy through his first fever!
Micah and his loving Grammy, prayer warrior, fever finder, wall runner intoer... :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Was home. Is home. Going home.

In the five (almost) years that Andrew and I have been married, we have called many places 'home'.

From our first itty apartment,

to our first purchased home,
to Easton, MD,
(Back track..  I can't forget the stint we did in Port of Spain, Trinidad. )

Where was I... ok moved to Easton, then back to PA, and now... back to Easton!! Are you tired yet?! I am, because this doesn't count the random weeks spent with family, while in transition(s) and a few other pit stops on the way. Some of these moves have been calculated decisions, some made on a whim, and our last move home, was out of necessity. (More on that necessity on another day, another post) However, now that our life has settled, we are in a position to resume our life in MD. Andrew is returning to his job, which to say he loves is an understatement, and we are happy to pick up where we left off there. We have loved having this year, full of joy as well as difficulties, to be close to family, and close to an amazing hospital for Micah. Thankfully, Micah has been given a clean bill of health, and that is the most we could have ever hoped for! This is giving us the comfort needed to switch his care, as his only future visits involve well checks with the pediatrician.
So with moving on the mind, I've spent some time reflecting on where we started, where we've been and where we are going. I've loved these adventurous first, five years of marriage with Andrew, following our dreams, whims and being young and carefree. I know we will always have this side to us, but it will be fulfilled in less affecting ways, travel, day trips, hobbies... and not with moving!! We are anxious to settle back in an area that we have grown to love, and not.move.any.where.else!!! Are you reading this Andrew?! jk, he is just as anxious as I to not move our Ikea shelf one more time and most importantly to have a permanent home for Micah. So, with that being said, I better go pack some boxes before my mini-valentine wakes!
Enjoy your loves today, as our homes would not be homes without them!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Identity Crisis

No not me, but my blog. Yes, there is comfort in my second post; a few followers, and no need for a catchy, opening line... However, now I must begin to shape the course of my ramblings. no pressure!
I am inspired by my fashionable friend Becky. Her outfit posts leave me longing for the nearest clothier. However, as my hours are composed of floor time and nursing sessions, my wears can only be described as practical. So clearly, at this time, a fashion blogger I am not. I have also been motivated to blog by my Mom. She has a wit and sense that could fill pages. However, due to a string of sleep-filled nights, her blog is awaiting her return. (I offered her a few nights in the Abreu household, I can then guarantee her the sleeplessness required for her nighttime inspirations!) But alas, her way with words is unique unto her, and I must continue my identity search. If you want inspiration, Michelle will not let you down, and Aimee can bring out the shine in anything that you or I may overlook.
Ahh. so many blogs, so much inspiration...
But now, as I take the leap from follower, to blogger, I look forward to creating my own niche. Until then, I remain in temporary crisis!

It must be naptime...

Welcome to my blog! Wow, after much debate, that is the best I could come up with for my first line?! Forgive me for this, but it's an awkward step, this first post. Much like meeting someone for the first time, I wonder, will the conversation flow? Will it be a series of pause, a staccato of words and an abrupt bye? I can't promise this blog will always have a flow. There will also, more times than not,  be an abrupt goodbye, but for me it will be a new form of therapy. A new answer to the nap time debate of work vs. relaxation. I see this as a happy medium. More meaningful than facebook, yet more desirable than dishes. So, with that, I seem to have come to an appropriate close for my first post. For now, I will leave you with this; the picture of perfect nap time!